Wedding prep in full swing!

12 weeks left until this Miss becomes a Mrs! Both of us are rather relaxed about it all. Possibly too relaxed. (Apart from the other half's reaction to my weekly adjustment to the wee countdown chalkboard) At the beginning (Oct) we decided on a date, chose the band, the food and the venue and lots … Continue reading Wedding prep in full swing!

Let’s do this

Here we go! Its been said to me a few times that I should write a blog or make a cook book but I've been reluctant. I'm sure like many bloggers my thoughts have been "but who will read it", "nobody would be interested in what I have to say", "do I even have anything to say?". Well, for the last while I've been researching weddings and dieting and realise lots of people have lots to say so why shouldn't I? If only one or two people make and enjoy one of my recipes or take away any helpful information through reading my post then thats a win! Here you'll find healthy eating, (some not so healthy eating), DIY wedding info, body positivity, art, music, crafting and many musings and thoughts.